The Every Dress


Before all of the craziness ensued, my mindset was all about Spring and adding easy pieces to my work/play wardrobe. I’ve found myself the the last couple of days not even having any desire to shop or pretend like none of this is happening. I guess that’s just how I process things. I’m a very introspective thinker- I think, and think and think until I can’t think no moe! It’s a blessing and a curse.

I think (see-lol) the events that we are experiencing right now are really allowing everyone the opportunity to re-evaluate life priorities, future decisions, and it’s also really giving us the chance to know ourselves. Try not to let the distractions get in the way, and don’t let this time be an excuse to slack off when it comes to your dreams. Stay consistent! Stay positive and stay strong knowing that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. It won’t be this way forever.

We can also learn a lot about balance during this weird time. Balancing working steadily at our goals despite all that’s going on, and letting yourself rest, and be still. Both are very important. So, don’t feel guilty for listening to your body when it says to sit still and read a book, or binge watch a new show on Netflix, or FaceTime a friend. Listen to your body. Watch your thoughts! Don’t let those guys get the best of you. Think of things that are true, pure and good.

How are you guys handling everything? What has been your takeaway thus far during the stillness?



Shauntel Greene